Thursday, August 28, 2008

Jack-a-roo update

Jack is home from the vet this evening.  My dad was so upset he couldn't be with him last night, but he was heavily sedated and today they finally got his hip back in place.  He's in a sling so he can't move his hip too much, but he's loving on my dad and my dad's loving him back.  I asked mom what was going to happen to that lab, and the owner offered to pay for Jack's vet bills and they are going to put up an electric fence to keep him in the yard.  Thank you for the prayers!

On a lighter note, we had a woman at work today who was prescribed green pills, but refused to take them because she doesn't take green pills.  Strange, but today was strange all around.  One patient seemed high, a woman insisted she be the only person to translate through sign to her brother (she spelled EVERYTHING out), and we had a super moaner.

And it's official!  We are finally...ARKANSANS again!  (you thought i was going to say pregnant).  We got our tags and licenses today.  We've only been driving with expired tags all month, so it was about time.

After we did that, we went to the mall to have my rings checked and I also wanted to stop by Dillard's because they were having 75% off shoe sale.  And let's face it, every girl needs a new pair of shoes at 75% off.  So I got 3 pairs.  We walked to the men's Dillard's and they were only having 50% off, but we found some cute ones for Chris and got those, too.  There's nothing like a little shoe therapy!

WOO HOO!  It's almost the weekend!


jennifer rogers said...

glad that jack is doing better and that he is better bet those people should pay his hospital bills it's their fault!!! Leash Law!!

NWA Beaty's said...

We just read about Jack. Hope he is doing ok and will be well soon.