Friday, August 22, 2008

Hot Dog!

A while back when Grant was potty training, the whole family was gathered at my parents home in H.S.  I noticed that Grant had snuck off to a corner and suspected he was about to 'go to town' so I alerted my mom and brother.  Mom jumped out of her chair, got Grant, and took him to the bathroom.  She sat him down on the potty and he pooped!  Mom was so excited she said 'Hot Dog!'

Fast forward to today.  Grant told me he had to potty.  We go to the bathroom and he tells me he needs to 'sit down potty'.  I sat him on the potty and asked him if he was going to poop.  He gave me the weirdest look and said 'No'.  I knew he was, but figured he didn't know what poop was yet.  But when he got off the potty and I told him to flush, he looked at his poop and said 'Bye-Bye Hot Dog!'

We think it's hilarious that he calls his poop, hot dogs.  But we'll never look at hot dogs in the same light again.


jennifer rogers said...

that's hilarious!! That makes me laugh!! He sounds like a funny little thing.....

NWA Beaty's said...

We are both laughing so hard. Grant is so funny. Hot Dogs will never be the same again.

Beaty Photography said...

i about hot dog myself when i read that.