Monday, January 25, 2010

Roller coasters make me sick

I've never been a fan of roller coasters.  To be quite honest, I think I've been on maybe 2 or 3 my entire life.  The last one was at Silver Dollar City while I was still in college at the U of A.  I was convinced by Jon, Emily, and Chris that this roller coaster wouldn't be so bad...especially because you had the option of sitting facing forward or backwards.  They all thought it would be a great experience if I sat backwards, that way I couldn't see what was going to happen next.  They were wrong.  I hated every moment of that stupid roller coaster and vowed to never step foot near one again.  And so far, I have kept that promise to myself.

And then many years later, Chris and I decided to start our family and after 6 months of trying (which I realize isn't long at all), found out that we were pregnant, and unbeknownst to me, I was creating my very own 9 month long roller coaster.  Finding out we were preggo was one of the happiest days of my life and I have loved every moment of being pregnant.  But recently, as you know, things kind of changed and my blood pressure started rising and there was protein in my urine and my blood became a commodity of the lab world.  I've been to the doctor more in the past 3 weeks than I ever have my entire life.  Everything has been pretty stable, my BP stays around 144/91, there have been just a trace to 1+ amount of protein in my urine, and my blood just hovers around that abnormal line, threatening to jump over at any moment.

So to make a long story short, today we had another doctors appointment and my BP was just the same.  My weight is stable.  I have no swelling.  And there's 2+ pushing 3+ protein in my urine.  So once again, I went back to those blood sucking girls in the lab and provided them with more of my blood.  I'll know the results tomorrow.  We move Wednesday.  I have my first appointment with my new doctor Friday, unless things go way out of control.  And because of this new turn of events, Luke could definitely come sooner than later.

Here's hoping the next few days go smoothly, because I won't be able to handle it if it doesn't.


Emily said...

Praying for you & Luke! Also I totally forgot about that rollercoaster experience - so sorry we made you do that!!!

Unknown said...

good luck with everything...if you think pregnancy is a roller coaster, just wait till Luke is here :) your house looks really cute! congrats on it too!