Friday, January 8, 2010

32 Weeks

Today I had my doctors appointment, we are now 32 weeks and 1 day.  As usual, they required a urine sample and took my blood pressure.  My blood pressure is always normal and there's never any problem with my urine, but today my BP was 150/91 and there was protein in my urine.  The nurse had me lay on my side and retook my BP and it went back to normal.  I also had to give another urine sample so they could send it to the lab, just to make sure it wasn't a fluke.  But I had to give enough urine to fill up 2 vials, but all I could produce was enough for 1.  So Chris and I waited until I felt like I needed to go again, but there just wasn't anything to produce, so we went down and bought a Sprite (the water was all sold out) and walked around for 20 minutes or so before I felt the urge to go again.  Finally, after 1 1/2 hours at the doctor, I could produce enough to fill up the other vial.  And wouldn't you know, by the time I got home, I thought I was going to wet my pants I had to potty so bad.  So lesson from today: I cannot pee when it's required of me.  But get me in the car and away from a restroom and it will hit me like a ton of bricks.

But what does all this mean?  We'll find out more Monday when everything returns from the lab, but essentially, if there really is protein in my urine and my BP stays high, then they'll put me on bed rest.  Which I am NOT happy about, so please pray for us that this won't happen and everything will be fine.  If I have to go on bed rest, I can't work, I can't pack, I can't do anything required to move us.  It will all be on Chris' shoulders and we really will have to have a moving party, because it's just too much to handle on your own.

That's all I know for now, I'll let you know more when I know more...

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