Tuesday, January 19, 2010

It's a good thing this bed is comfy

Yesterday I had another doctor's appointment.  It was the first time the words 'bed rest' came out of my doctors' mouth.  The previous 3 appointments we've just said 'take it easy', but then those 2 dreaded words were spoken.  To make a long story short, I have mild pre-eclampsia.  Well, at least I'm going to say it's mild.  My blood pressure is still high, there's still some protein in my urine, although it seems to fluctuate from being trace amounts to 1+ and my blood work is hovering around the normal/abnormal line.

Last week I had to collect my urine for 24 hours.  I tell you what, you don't know what freedom is until you decide to leave the house and then remember that you cannot use a public restroom and must turn around and head back home so you can follow doctors orders.  They tested it for protein and it came back around the normal/abnormal line.  Abnormal being a count (of what, I'm not sure) of 300 or more.  Mine was 295.  Too close for comfort...just like my blood.

The weird thing is that I feel great!  I'm not swollen like you might typically expect for someone with pre-eclampsia, I don't have headaches, blurred vision, dizziness...I feel fine.  So for now we're just keeping a very close eye on it.

I have to go in for an ultrasound today to make sure Luke has enough fluid around him and to have my BP checked again.  They took more blood yesterday and will have those results for tomorrow's appointment.  Yes...I get to go 3 days in a row.  Lucky me!

And if things stay the same, I'll continue to be on bed rest and possibly have this baby sooner than later.

And to make things a little more stressful: We close on the house on Friday but still don't know if I'll be allowed to travel, so it may take being FedEx'd to us and Chris going down to get the keys and paint Luke's room.  I have the urge to nest, but nowhere to do it because I'm not allowed to.  If this baby comes early, where am I going to have him?  My doctor here knows my history, but all my follow up care will be done in Little Rock.  Do I really want to have him here and then drive to Little Rock?  Or do I want to drive to Little Rock, have the baby, and be done.  Also, all my prenatal classes are scheduled for February.  All. Of. Them.  Breastfeeding, Preparing for Labor, Infant CPR, etc.  And they are all in Little Rock.

So excuse me while I go bang my head on something sharp...

1 comment:

jennifer rogers said...

just keep thinking positively and before you know it you will be holding Mr. Luke in your arms and this will all be over with!!! Love ya!