Wednesday, July 30, 2008

All the random thoughts you ever wanted to know...

If you have 3 quarters, 4 dimes, and 4 pennies, you have $1.19.  You also have the largest amount of money in coins without being able to make change for a dollar.

Odontophobia is the fear of teeth.

The first known contraceptive was crocodile dung, used by Egyptians in 2000 B.C.  

The Neanderthal's brain was bigger than yours is.

The sound of E.T. walking was made by someone squishing her hands in jelly.

When snakes are born with two heads, they fight each other for food.

Charlie Brown's father was a barber.

Dueling is legal in Paraguay as long as both parties are registered blood donors.

Children grow faster in the springtime.

The plastic things on the end of shoelaces are called aglets.

All of this was brought to you by your friendly Audiologist...and from here

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOOHOO!! I'm now prepared for Final Jeopardy! Bring it on Trebek!!!!

Although...i do have to say...that was not "ALL" the random thoughts i'd ever wanted to know...there are TONS of other ones. =)