Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Supply and Demand

This is geared towards the moms that read this blog, so men, consider yourself warned.

I don't think I'm producing enough milk.  I pump after each feeding during the day, but skip pumping after the midnight and 3 am feedings.  My concern is that although I am producing milk, I don't think it's enough to keep up with what Luke needs as he continues to grow.  When I first came home from the hospital I was getting 2 bottles with at least 60 ml each.  Now I'm lucky to get 60 ml total.  And that's after 20 minutes of pumping.

So my question is: Is there anything that you have done to increase your milk supply?  I'm concerned the supply isn't keeping up with the demand and I need to find a way to fix this problem!

Please provide your wisdom as I don't have any...


Anonymous said...

ya, i got nothin'! but i am interested to find out what you find out!

jennifer rogers said...

i've got a bottle of stuff that pam bought me it's called fenugreek it's an herbal supplement that helps with your supply i didnt open it and you are welcome to it

Clare said...

thanks, jennifer! i'm willing to try anything!!

Unknown said...

i know lots of mothers of multiples have used fenugreek and it worked for them, drink lots of water and eat a good balanced diet...some people just don't produce enough milk though so if you have to supplement with formula it is totally normal. good luck!

Unknown said...

Hey Clare. I was told that you produce more milk between 1 and 4 am so it might help if you did pump after those feedings. I know it's early and you'd probably rather sleep than pump, but I used to get up and pump between 1 and 4 and I always had more than enough milk. Good luck! I second drinking lots and eating plenty of healthy food (protein helped me)

Clare said...

I have slacked off on my water intake but am trying to get more. I am also watching my diet, but don't know if I'm getting enough of the right foods to matter. I'll definitely pump around those times and see if it helps! Thanks!

Bailey said...

take fenugreek with blessed thistle, that is supposed to really increase your milk supply. there is also a mother's milk tea, you can find it at gnc or krogers.