Friday, March 6, 2009

It's a Bird, It's a Plane, No! It's a Super Kid!!

I found these super hero capes for kids on Etsy and decided to get one for Grant's birthday in April.  The only problem was that I had to get one for Jude as well, because they don't share very well.  I think these super hero capes are so adorable, so I had to share for all my friends (which is most of you) so you can make your kiddo a super hero, too!  Although, most of you could probably just whip one up on your handy dandy sewing machine, but as discussed before, I'm not that talented.  

Here's the link!


jennifer rogers said...

oh those are SO cute! I wish Brock was a little older I would get him one! I can't wait until he goes through that kind of phase!

Anonymous said...

i wish they made those for adults!!! that would be so cool!!! and i mean that in a fun, non-"adult" kind of way.



let's think of superhero names for everyone! could be "the delicate flower"...and your alter ego is "the bloomin' ..."! i bet you can finish that. HAHA!

uuuummm...chris can be "beaty 008"...just bc 007 is already taken and that's a cool superhero name!

and i'm all out of funnies for today! HAHA!