Thursday, September 25, 2008

For the record...

I HATE electronic medical records.  HATE HATE HATE.  

We started electronic medical records on Monday.  And it seems like a HUGE waste of time...thus far.  Who knows how it will end up, but so far, it seems to really take too much time in my comfy world of Audiology.

And the reason I probably HATE it so much, is because it doesn't seem like anything was really thought through.  

On a different note, Chris and I have been together for TEN YEARS today.  Yes, you read right, 10 years.  I won't bore you with our sappy love story on how we met, or our first date, or our wedding day, but I want too.  Really bad :)

Happy 10 years together snot face!  I'll paper rock scissors you for the remote :)


jennifer rogers said...

happy ten years....that's amazing...and you wouldn't bore me with the details...I love to hear how people met and fell in love! hey you should bring over your wedding pics i want to look at them!

Starting Over said...

Please post the details! I wanna know!!