Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Well, I'm officially vaccinated! I had my seasonal flu shot a little more than a month ago and survived, so I decided I would go ahead and get the H1N1 shot. I called the health department and they had some available, and since my OBGYN wasn't receiving any, that's where I was sent.

I was prepared to wait a good while at the Health Department, but I was only there for 30 minutes! The shot burned a little and my arm was sore for a couple hours after, but so far so good! I haven't passed out or stopped breathing, so that's a plus! :) I know there's a lot of hype in the media about the vaccine, but being preggo, I felt I needed to get it if it protected our son...and me. Better safe than sorry, I suppose. Plus, my OBGYN recommended it and so did Kricia (my SIL who is an allergy and immunologist doc).

On another note, Chris and I are getting lots done in preparation for our son. We have ordered his bedding, planned an art project, and have started thinking about registering. It's so exciting...and overwhelming, all at the same time. I mean, how do you know what breast pump you should really buy, and what bottles and pacifiers? How many swaddle blankets do you really use in a week? And diapers? I'm sure all you experienced moms will give me all the advice you have...and I could really use it! So please, pour the advice my way...I'm desperate :)


The Lady of the House said...

Advice for purchasing baby stuff (I'll try to make this short):

1) Buy a GREAT breastpump. Don't go cheap on this. You want a double pump that's ELECTRIC (not battery powered) and has the option to be manual. Avent or Medela make stellar pumps. I've used both and I currently own both.
2) Boys don't need as many clothes as girls. And buy lots of sizes. Don't just focus on newborn because they'll grow out of so fast (case and point: Owen wore newborn for 1 week, 0-3 for a month, 3-6 for 3 months, 6-9 for 3 months, and is current in 12 months).
3) Changing pad covers are a waste of money. You'll be washing it every other day (or maybe everyday) because of an unexpected baby bodily function.
4) Buy a FANTASTIC nursing bra. Don't go buy a cheap one. Get fitted by someone that is NOT trying to sell you something so you buy your size - not your "sister" size. Freshpair.com has the best nursing bras in every size imaginable. I wish I'd done this earlier. The right size bra is so important to keeping yourself healthy. There's a lot that can happen with a bra that's too tight when your making milk for the sweet kiddo.
This list can go on and on...

The Bostians said...

I also recommend the Modela breast pump. It is one thing that you don't want to go cheap on.

As far as bottles go- we ended up trying EVERY brand out there. Kenley had a really rough time with reflux and gas. Everyone recommended something different so I finally went out and seriously bought 1 of every bottle to see what worked best for her and the winner was the playtex drop ins. At first I wasn't very excited about buying all of the drop in liners but the parents choice liners fit in the playtex bottles great. And it makes bottle washing much easier. They are most like the breast and close up as they get the milk out so there was less air to suck on.

Wipes are another thing that I am really picky on. I LOVE the pampers sensitive wipes. They are soft, but not too soft and Wet but not too wet. But I like the huggies box better (it has soft edges and doesnt cut your hand when you get the wipes out). So I keep my huggies boxes and refill them pampers sensitive wipes. We tried the wipe warmer but ended up boxing it up and putting it away when she was like 2 weeks old, just was more of a pain for us.

So- we will probably all give you advice and you and your little man will have all new things that work for you! :) Hope you are feeling well. Have you decided on a name?

So excited for you guys. You will be wonderful parents.

Melissa said...

Medela is the BEST pump you can buy--don't cheap out and get one of the lesser models either. You need the pump in style or the freestyle. This is of course if you plan on pumping for a while. If you don't, then it would be a waste of money. I've always had a pump in style and I love it.

Clare said...

Thank you!! I've been doing some research on breast pumps and there are mixed reviews out there on the Medela, so I was skeptical. But good to know it works well for y'all! That makes the decision much easier!

We have picked a name, but as I would like to shout it from the roof top, I am under strict instruction to keep it to myself from Chris :) He's a party pooper.

I was leaning toward the Playtex Drop Ins, but was wondering if the bags you pump in (versus a bottle) would fit the bottle.

You guys rock! Keep the advice coming!

jennifer rogers said...

so lets see, um there is so much advice to give I just don't know where to start (that's why you should come down here and we could help you register at Target :) )
First off, that actual blankets that are called swaddle don't work, at least they didn't for Brock...I'm talking about the kind with the actual velcro on them that come in a package, we just used blankets and don't worry you will get tons of them, in fact I have about 20 you are welcome too....not kidding!
Pacifiers and bottles are really up to you....Brock only took the weird looking green passy that they give you at the hospital but now he only uses NUKs, it's whatever they will put in their mouth and suck on! I used all Avent bottles but truly i'm not that big of a fan, I have a bottle sterilizer that you are welcome to use, by the time your little one is born I won't be sterilizing anna's bottles anymore.
Oh my best advice I can give you is buy a really good bouncy seat and swing. I have a good swing but not a good bouncy seat and I always wished that I have a better one so that's all the advice for now....don't worry I'll have more later it's like vomit I can't stop it from coming up :)

the Pulleys said...

First of all, congrats on the BOY!!! SOOOOOO fun!!!

Secondly, WOW...where to start on the advice?! I'll just do a top 10 for now that first come to mind...

1) DITTO on the quality breastpump. I have also used the Medela In Style Advanced (black backpack style) and have loved it! It's completely worth every dime and you can even find a sale on them off several websites if you keep a look-out.
2) We've always used a (smaller) waterproof pad on top of the crib sheet when Kennedy and Will sleep to avoid having to change the sheet/mattress pad each and every time they would have a blow-out or leak through a diaper overnight or during nap. Once they become more mobile and roll around in their crib/sit up in crib/etc., they obv. don't stay on the mattress pad. But Will's over 5 mos. now, and it's still working for him.
3) Also, register for one of the sleep positioners/wedges that they can sleep b/w in the crib. It allows you to place them on their side/back (whichever you prefer) and them actually STAY there while sleeping.
4) We've always been a HUGE fan of swaddling b/c it's helped both of our kids sleep through the night from very early on. However, totally your preference. Babies just usu. like to be swaddled esp. @ first (w/ arms either in or out), b/c it reminds them of how they were for so long in the womb. Ours work themselves out of the swaddle eventually, but we always re-swaddle (and put the paci back in) and they go right back to sleep. We actually never messed w/ the actual 'Swaddle' (velcro) blankets. But, the largest size receiving blankets have always worked just fine w/ us! A lady @ my parents' church made a couple for us and we found a couple that were labeled as "large enough to swaddle in". Otherwise, we always hated using the actual packaged 'receiving blankets' for that purpose b/c of how small they are. Instead, we used those down in the carrier/bouncer/swing/etc. to also catch those unexpected blow-outs (which are GOING to happen esp. if your lil' man is on breastmilk @ all).
Swaddling is definitely an "art" in our household, but it's easy once you get the hang of it. : )
5) Just make sure to get the 'staples' for your baby boy's closet as far as clothes go. You can buys as little or as many clothes as you want or can afford. However, having a couple pair of little jeans, a pair of khaki pants, overalls, etc. Then, you can mix and match all of the onesies &/or shirts w/ them as you like. 'Robeez' shoes are some of my favorite shoes too! They help keep their socks on their feet, help keep their feet warm, and they're just cute and comfortable too. You can also keep a look-out for big sales on these or even find them in great condition @ some consignment stores. Otherwise, we don't normally spend much money on their shoes b/c I refuse to pay the same price for children's shoes as we have to pay for our own shoes as adults. UGH!

the Pulleys said...

6) DITTO on the nursing bra comment as well! I like SOME of the bras from Motherhood (maternity clothes store). But, just make sure you have a couple quality ones...b/c you'll certainly wear them out after a long while of wearing them every single day. I also loved having a couple cotton (non-underwire) ones too that I could sleep in and were more comfortable for overnight. Again, totally your preference.
7) Make sure and grab the nasal aspirator (aka-"booger sucker" for a lack of better words) from the hospital when you're discharged (after delivery). NO OTHER ASPIRATOR will EVER compare! And, you'll certainly get a lot of use out of it @ some point when they get sick.
8) We also LOVE and prefer the Pampers Sensitive Wipes. They're softer than Huggies wipes, and more wet too. No comparison in my book AT ALL! Huggies and off-brand wipes have always fallen apart or been to dry in our previous experiences w/ them.
9) We've tried almost every single brand of diapers too, but you'll ultimately use which one you decide works best for your lil' man. We have loved Pampers the most w/ both kids. However, we also like Luvs for little boys. We don't notice much difference b/w Pampers and Luvs diapers w/ Will honestly. They both hold a lot off pee and he doesn't leak from them either. Diapers and wipes have always been 1 area that we don't buy off-brand in. It's completely worth it to us on these 2 items at least.
10) We used Playtex bottles w/ Kennedy, but wanted to use a different BPA free bottle w/ Will this time. Playtex changed the make of their bottle (the plastic seal @ the bottom) which made it leak a lot we thought. Therefore, we know use Dr. Brown's bottles w/ Will and are really happy w/ them. We just asked others what they were happy w/ them, and the overwhelming majority of our friends/family liked Dr. Brown's. When you find the one you like, just stick w/ it. This area usu. varies for each child...as well as pacifiers.
Kennedy only used MAM, but Will prefers only NUK. The only constant was the fact that they sucked better on the latex (brown) pacifiers as opposed to the silicone (clear) pacifiers. The latex are more flexible and seem to be easier to suck on for our kids at least. I like the fact that K used the MAM b/c the NUK that Will uses has the obnoxious little handles off of them that allows him to easily grab and yank out of his mouth. He gets it out just as fast as you put it in.

Hope some of this helps and it doesn't seem like just a bunch of rambling! : ) We're thrilled for you guys and just can't wait for you to experience parenthood for yourself now! You'll be awesome!

...sending the lady's name/# from UAFS to you on e-mail. Let me know if you get it.

Clare said...

thanks a ton, lindsey! that's great advice! I have thought of the dr. browns, but was interested in saving the freezer space with breast milk storage bags, versus a container, which is why we looked at the playtex drop ins. Thanks for the UAFS info, too! You're a gem!

Anonymous said...

We are so happy you got your shot, and for all the advice everyone is giving you... That should really help...