Thursday, March 20, 2008

What a Day!

Well, I'll start with last night.  A friend from NWA was in Houston for some training this week, and we had dinner with him last night.  Chris got off work in the late afternoon, came home and walked and fed Baxter.  Then he left for Houston.  He met me at my friends house where I stay, and we went to go pick up Jamie (the friend in town).  Our friends Celina and Jake came to eat with us, too.  We had Saltgrass, and it was SO yummy!  We had a great time 'catching' up (he's not all that interested in what I do) and Chris took him back to his hotel and then headed home.  I rode back with Celina and Jake because I stay with them.

This morning I had clinic, and it was amazing.  I saw a cochlear implant activation.  The activation is the first time the persons electrodes are turned on after the wounds heal, and they hear sound.  It was a woman I saw today, and she started to cry, which in turn made me emotional!  Although audiologists don't perform the surgery, we manage everything hearing wise afterwards, which, let's face it, is the most important part.  Then I saw a BAHA patient.  BAHA stands for Bone Anchored Hearing Aid.  And it's literally that.  It's anchored on the bone.  This is one surgery I'd love to watch.  They basically drill a hole through the skull, anchor a snap into the bone (the snap is on the outside of the head, and is normally covered with hair) and the hearing aid (which looks like a little square) snaps onto the implanted snap.  It's pretty cool.  Anywho, here are some pics of the device.  

Ok, I'm an ear nerd.  Now you all know.


Melissa said...

Wow. What an amazing experience to get to be present for such an occasion! It must really be moving. You are blessed to enjoy your work and to have that work make such an impact on peoples lives.

Anonymous said...

can i get a BACP?? bone anchored cell phone? then i could stop carrying this stupid thing around with me everywhere i go!!! -ek