Sunday, April 11, 2010

Pictures from the past

Long, long ago, in a time I like to call 'pre-baby', I had a baby shower and some maternity pictures done.  I just got those pictures back and would like to share some with you.  If you notice, I look well rested and may actually be glowing.  Nowadays I look disheveled and the only glow is from all the coffee I drink to stay awake :)  Let's begin with the baby shower.

Emily threw me an awesome baby shower full of family and friends.  She implemented a paint your own onesie idea that I'm sure everyone loved.  My mom and Grandma even came from Hot Springs to party.

Emily even had everyone write a little note for Luke on their chalkboard. I absolutely loved it and secretly (well, not so secret anymore) wish I could've kept this chalkboard for his room.  But the picture will do :)

Now, onto the maternity session!  The balloons from my baby shower were still good, so we incorporated them into our session.  It was a lot of fun and rather exhausting!  These are just a few of my absolute favorites.

This next picture was taken in a parking garage where we sat between parking space number 4.  Luke's expected due date was March 4th, but the little booger just had to come on February 3rd.  He couldn't even wait one more day to make this number come to fruition.  :)

These next 3 photos are a series I fondly refer to as the awesomeness of wood blocks sprinkled with a little creativity.

And now for the final product: Luke.  During his hospital stay in the NICU, we were worried about having him fit into his car seat, and actually had been told we may have to purchase a new one made for preemies.  Thankfully, I had done my research and picked out a car seat that is good for babies as little as 4 pounds (never did I think I would have a 4 pound baby) and is one of the best car seats available.  The staff was thrilled to see that car seat and all was well.  On his last day in the NICU, Luke had to pass a car seat test, as do all preemies, and looking back, I can't believe he was this small!

I just adore those little wrinkly legs and knees and that tiny little head (which isn't so tiny anymore, a huge 14 1/2 inches around!).  I love everything about him and can't believe how much he has changed in the short 9 weeks he's been a part of our family.  Sometimes I think back on life before baby, and how much easier it was to hop in the car and go somewhere, or just fall asleep on the couch without worrying about waking up in time to pump or listening for a baby waking up, but then I think how much we've been blessed to be this precious little boy's parents and how much we are looking forward to watching him grow into a strong, kind, awesome man.  

Pre-Baby life is a distant memory and I wouldn't change it for the world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love it. all of it. just perfect.