Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Letter to Baby

Dear Luke,
You are 3 months old today!  I know!  It went by fast for us, too!

We've loved watching you grow...and boy oh boy how you have grown!  You can still fit (although barely) into your newborn clothes, but you're fast approaching the day where they just won't be long enough for you.

You are such a good eater!  You now take 4 ounces of milkies every 2.5 to 3 hours during the day.  At night, you can go a little longer in between feedings.  And speaking of night time, you are now sleeping for about one, five hour stretch.  And then you're back to eating every 2.5 to 3 hours.  Like I're a good eater :)

You've really been 'talking' up a storm lately, and it's a rare moment when you're quiet.  You're even a noisy sleeper :)  We like to say you get that from your Grandma.  You have been getting a little colicky at night, and it's wearing us down, man!  So if you could cut that out sooner than later, it sure would be appreciated.

You can really hold you're head up for longer stretches, but when you're tired it flops around like crazy.  That's okay,'re head is huge (just like daddy's) and we can't really see your neck so I'm not sure what kind of support you have for that monstrous thing :)

Sitting up on our laps is one of your favorite activities - you love the vantage point that activity provides. We're able to put you in your swing for longer stretches.  It's really nice that you can be happy swinging in the morning so mommy can fix her hair and have a bite to thank you, it's much appreciated.

So baby Luke, we can't wait to see where another month takes you, and us, on this incredible journey.  We love you oh so very much.  Your mommy has become pretty attached to you, and I think the same is true for daddy.

Love you to the end of the world and back.
Mom and Dad

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love your letters to baby. keep em comin' :)