Saturday, February 27, 2010

True Love

There's probably a million different ways people could describe 'true love', but this morning, at 6:10 a.m., I found a new way to show true love.

You see, I have been awake with our son since 5 a.m. (thanks to the hubby for getting up at 2 a.m. with him!) and had fed him, taken my medicine (800 milligrams of still my heart) and vitamins, and went to change Luke's diaper.  I had my diaper out (always ALWAYS be prepared with a new diaper), opened up the wipes case and pulled out the diaper cream.  Everything was going smoothly when I pulled out a wipe and there was only one...which was not enough for this mess.  I covered Luke with the new diaper and grabbed a new case of wipes, and struggled opening the dang package.  I finally realized there were a pair of scissors in his caddy and finally got the package open.  But when I looked down, Luke had rolled to his side (probably not on purpose, I'll blame it on the excessive screaming...this kid hates having his diaper changed) and was starting to shoot pee all over himself.

At this point, any experienced mother would quickly re-cover her son with the new diaper she had strategically placed under his booty for this exact reason.  But me?  Never crossed my mind.  Instead, I put my hand over him and caught the potty from spraying everything.  Yep, that's true love...catching your son's potty in your hand to save him from being sprayed.  You may now give me mother of the month award.  (I figure it's a little early for mother of the year, but if you're so inclined...)

  How could I not adore this fussy face?

1 comment:

Melissa said...

At least you did something. When Kynan began to pee on me, I just sat there screaming. I couldn't think of what else to do! He is too adorable!