Monday, February 1, 2010

Letter to the Womb

Dear Luke,

You are the size of a honeydew now according to my very handy dandy tracker.  But it kind of looks like I'm carrying a watermelon...guess you're going to be a big boy!  You're doing great and mom is still taking it 'easy' to hopefully get a few more weeks out before your big arrival.

We had another baby shower yesterday, this one was thrown by your Aunt Kricia, and again we were showered with so much love and goodness!  You are such a lucky boy to have so many people that love you, and I'm so grateful for them.  Your M, Great Grandma, Great Aunt Susan, Great Aunt Sarah, Aunt Kricia, Peggy, Teresa, Allie, Sunshine, Carolyn, Kay, and Jennifer have you spoiled rotten, if you weren't already!  I think that if your new clothes have any indication on you, then you'll be our little monkey!  I can't wait to get you all dressed up in those precious little clothes!

Dad, Baxter and I are all settled in (for the most part) at our new home and most importantly, your crib is all set up, your clothes are washed and hung up, your pack and play is put together and next to the bed and your car seats and stroller are ready to go.  So if you decide to come sooner than later, we will be prepared for your arrival home.  Isn't that an awesome word, home?  I love it.  We love you.  We hope you'll be very happy here.

Just a little less than 5 weeks until your scheduled due date, little Luke!  See you soon!

We love you!
Mom and Dad

1 comment:

jennifer rogers said...

too sweet! I'm so excited to meet little luke-a-saurus :)