Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Letter to Baby

Dear Luke,

You are TWO weeks old!  My how time flies!  You continue to grow like a weed and you are more alert every day.  We love it!  Well...except at 2 a.m., it's okay to sleep then :)  We feed you every 3 hours right now.  Dad is such a wonderful help to me, taking the 3 am feeding and any other feeding where I need his help.  He also helps gives you baths (which you hate) and changes your diapers (for now...until they start to smell and then I have a feeling he'll mysteriously disappear).

Your Aunt Kricia, Uncle Jon, Grant and Jude came to visit you the other night.  They brought dinner, too.  It was yummy, but you were content drinking milk so we didn't offer you any.  Grant thought you needed a haircut, but I explained you were too little for that right now, and he was okay with that.  He also loved giving you kisses.  Super sweet!  Jude thought you were pretty neat, but was too preoccupied chasing Baxter to really pay much attention to you.

We are loving having you in our family and can't wait to see what you'll do next!  We love you, sweet boy!

Mom and Dad

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