Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentines Day Fun

Chris has treated me to a wonderful Valentines Day!  The morning started when Baxter woke us up around 5:30 a.m. (we were thrilled) for his walk.  Chris took him and I got up and made breakfast.  OK, so maybe I didn't technically make breakfast, but I sent good thoughts towards the making of breakfast.  :)  Chris made a wonderful breakfast when he got in from walking Baxter while I stayed in bed pretending to be asleep! :)

After breakfast, we grabbed our bikes, aired up the tires, and went down to the river.  We rode to the Big Dam Bridge and back.  It was beautiful weather, kind of cold and windy, but sunny and just a nice morning to be outside.  Side note: Our butts are killing us.  I think we're going to need better seats!

We came back and got around for the day and went over to Jon and Kricias.  My parents were watching Grant and Jude while Kricia was out and Jon was in Austin running a half marathon.  We played for a little while and then left to go run more errands.  We had a hot dog from Sams for lunch and then Chris took me to see 'Confessions of a Shopaholic', which I loved!  I've read the Shopaholic series by Sophie Kinsella and was so excited to see the movie!

After the movie, we went to Blue Coast Burrito for a yummy dinner!  We love it there and the food is always delicious!  We're back home now, and for dessert, we had ice cream with hot fudge, cherries and whipped cream...yummm-ohhhhh!

Happy Valentine's Day!!

1 comment:

jennifer rogers said...

glad you had a good valentine's day! We'll have to go to that burrito place with ya'll sometime!