Thursday, February 5, 2009

My Eye...

is fine!

That's right, folks.  I am fine, my eye is fine, and I couldn't be more relieved!  I saw the neuro-opthamologist today, and after running tons of tests, he determined (in all his knowledge), that my eye is fine.

Most likely, my blurry dot is a floater.  This, if you didn't know already, usually occurs in people who are nearsighted, like me.  My only instructions were to keep an 'eye' on it (no pun intended) and if more dots appear or if I start noticing flashes of light with them, than to just have it checked every year.  

So, woo hoo for me!

Thanks for all your prayers, they really helped!

1 comment:

jennifer rogers said...

i'm so glad that you got a clean bill of health! We bought the game "bang" and we all need to play it very soon it is a lot of fun! talk to you soon....