Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Letter to Mister

Dear Luke,

I'm writing your 2 1/2 year letter a week and a half early because your baby brother is scheduled to come the same day you actually turn 2 1/2.  You are going to be such a great big brother!  Every time we see a baby, you say 'baby' and lean over to give them a kiss.  I'm confident you're going to be such a big helper and great buddies with your brother.

We put you in a daycare/dayschool a couple of months ago and it's amazing how much you have flourished, especially with your language.  I love how much you talk!  Most of it is jibberish, but more and more is becoming so intelligible.  You are constantly saying new things, and thank goodness you don't scream and yell at us until we figure it out. 

And I do believe you have entered the 'terrible two' stage.  If we ask you to help clean up your toys, you yell 'NO!' and then ask to put yourself in time out.  When we say no to timeout, you roll your eyes up, slap your hands to your side, and throw yourself flat on the floor.  Normally that's the extent of the fit, but M said you threw your typical fit but then kicked and screamed at her yesterday when it was time to leave the library.  Apparently you weren't happy about leaving the Thomas trains behind. 

We've been taking you to the neighborhood pool and you love going!  At the beginning of the summer, you weren't to sure about floating without floaties, a pool noodle and hanging on for dear life onto me or your dad.  Now you just kick those little feet and float with just your arm floaties all around the pool.  And you love going down the slide with dad - but refuse to do it by yourself.  I love that you're such a little water baby!

We love you so much, little mister.
Mom and Dad

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