Thursday, August 11, 2011

Letter to Baby

Dear 18 month old child of mine,

We've reached a milestone - 18 months!  You turned 18 months old on August 3rd, but things have been so crazy, I haven't had a chance to really sit down and write your letter.

Your showing signs of reaching the terrible two's - you're even mastering the art of throwing tantrums.  You throw what you're not supposed to have, you run when it's time to change your diaper, and you tug and pull and yell at us until we pick you up.  We've come up with a new nickname for you - we call you "the terrorist".

You've learned some new words which include 'up', 'uh-oh', 'bye-bye', 'go go' and 'bax' (short for baxter).  You have become a little more independent using a spoon or fork but we really have to watch you because if you can't pick up your chicken/strawberry/pea, then you practically fling your entire plate across the dining room.  It's good for Baxter, not so much for us.

You are so fast!  You are constantly running from one activity to the next, leaving a trail of destruction in your path (hence "the terrorist").  If you manage to get on the couch (and you're becoming more proficient) then you like to take off all the pillows and throw them in the floor, sometimes in Baxter's general direction.

You're still a good shopping buddy.  We especially like going to Target so you can get some popcorn and fruit punch.  And you do okay going out to eat, but we try to eat and leave because you've learned to get your legs out of the highchair and I'm terrified you will fling your little body to the floor and run away.  Irrational? Maybe.  Probable? Yes.

We love reading books together and you love to point and get us to name each thing.  Right now, your favorite book is 'Grandma and me'.  That's the first book we read every night before bed time and we even read it multiple times some nights.  And speaking of bed time, you're staying up till 7 or 7:30 most nights now.  New later bed time equals sleeping later in the morning.  It's working out well for me :)

We love your little 18 month old self,
mom and dad

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