Friday, December 3, 2010

Letter to Baby

Dear Mister,

You are 10 months old now.  This time last year, I was on bed rest and you were still in the womb.  That was a hard time, I'm kind of stubborn and had a difficult time staying in bed, or the couch, or recliner, or in the house for that matter.  And that stubborn streak I have, well, it looks like you've inherited it.

We've baby proofed almost everything we can think of.  The fireplace, the kitchen, the outlets...all baby proofed.  But who would've known you're favorite thing to play with would be the floor vent in the living room?  And the door stopper that also acts like an alarm?  Yep, you found that, too.  We put up the Christmas tree and put a gate around it.  That seems to deter your curiosity in it and you don't pay too much attention to it.

You can sit up from laying down now, like you've been doing it your entire 10 months of life.  You army crawl e.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e.  Seriously, you're constantly on the go.  And Lord help Baxter if you sneak up behind him, you love grabbing his tail!!  You crawled down the hallway to our bedroom last Sunday after church when your dad and I were putting our church clothes up.  You were so cute stopping and starting again and laughing at us when you finally made it!  What a great accomplishment!  You are trying so hard to pull yourself up.  Once you get to your knees, you're not quite sure what to do next.  Also, you are mimicking us and it's fun to try to get you to make noises.  A lot of time you like to initiate it.  It's super cute!  You play so great in your room or in the living room.  It gives me just enough time to blow dry my hair in the mornings without having to wrangle you before you get bored and crawl away.  Peek-a-boo is also a favorite, and you've gotten to where you initiate it.  It's so awesome to see you develop!!

You are still so great when we're out and about, never really fussing, and when you do, it's nothing a little snack can't solve.  Everyone compliments us on how well behaved you are.  We really are blessed!  I took you shopping on Black Friday and you were terrific with all the people!  And you really are quite the flirt!

We have celebrated your first Thanksgiving, and you were thankful for sweet potatoes that M made for you and lots of people to play with you.  Jack (M and Pa's dog) even warmed up to you :)  You handle being passed around and kissed on like a seasoned pro!

We don't swaddle you to sleep anymore, we just cover you with a blanket and rock you.  Most of the time we do just fine, but then that stubborn streak rears its' ugly head and you pull my hair or pinch me.  Those nights are the hardest, but we do just fine anyway.  Also, you're back to sleeping through the night (although I'm sure that will change now that I've said it out loud), but you still wake up at random times in the morning.  4:15 a.m. is pretty early, but we've adjusted.  Thankfully, you're dad is pretty great at getting up with you on the weekends.

Bath time is your favorite time of day.  If you hear that water running, you start kicking your legs and we can't get you naked fast enough.  Once in the bath, all the toys must come in with you.  And now you've figured out how to lay on your tummy and kick your legs so that water goes everywhere (including on your mom and dad).  And you love how your voice sounds in the tub.  You get louder and louder each time you belt out a squeal.  Bath time is just too fun!

We just adore you and can't wait to celebrate your first Christmas, your first New Year, and *gasp* your first birthday!!

We love you with all our hearts, and we are oh so thankful for you.  You're pretty amazing.

Hugs and kisses, mister.  We adore you.
Mom and Dad

1 comment:

Grandpa and Grandma B said...

Growing and growing and so cute! Love you Luke so much! Love to hear all these little things you are doing...just wait, more is to come. So much fun ahead!