Sunday, October 17, 2010

Feeling Crafty

This weekend, NWA hosted War Eagle, a ginormous craft fair that is 3 days long (Thursday - Saturday), one weekend in October every year.  Now, I'm not looking to make my house look like a bajillion crafts threw up in it, but I do like to go peruse, and occasionally I make a small purchase.  This year, I only left with a fried Snickers in my belly.  And I must say, I still prefer my Snickers frozen.

We went up to NWA Friday morning, and got to surprise Jim (Chris' dad) at work.  We walked around and showed Luke off to everyone we could find (most had bolted to go crafting) and I think he was pleasantly surprised.  Friday night we had dinner with Evan and Erin at La Huerta.  I was so hungry and devoured my entire plate.  Luke had a great time and we got him home and in bed at a decent hour.

Saturday morning, we left for War Eagle and met Ed and 3 out of his 4 kids (Kate and the 4th kiddo were not in town) for some serious perusing.  It was kind of cold, so we bundled Luke up in a beanie and jacket with a blanket over him for the morning.  We met up with Chris' parents later in the morning and then all of us went to lunch.  By that time, it was getting close to game time, so we headed to run one last errand and then home.  Ed took his kiddos home to rest, I hope!  I think we were all worn out!

This morning we piddled around the Beaty's home before going to have lunch and heading home.  Luke was so off his schedule that he whined the entire way home except for the 35 minute nap he took.  He was so glad to be home that it didn't take much to put him to bed tonight.  He's definitely a creature of habit!

We had so much fun visiting friends and having a little getaway!

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