Friday, August 7, 2009

Our Little Gummy Bear

Here's just a couple images of our little one! We had our first ultrasound at 9 weeks 1 day, and found out our new due date is March 4, 2010. We got to hear the heartbeat and found out the baby was just under an inch long!
During the ultrasound, the technician made a comment that sometimes babies look like little gummy bears at certain views, and this baby definitely looks like a little gummy bear from this view, so we now call the baby 'Gummy'.
We should find out in October if it's a boy/girl and can't wait!


NWA Beaty's said...

It is going to be fun, when we find out. We are excited!!!

jennifer rogers said...

oh...those are good pics of the little gummy bear! That's a cute nickname!

Melissa said...

Those are great pictures. I was never able to get a gummy bear pic.