Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Grocery Store.

There are a few reasons I despise going to the grocery store.  The main one is because I don't like the general public outside of work.  I know, I work with the general public.  It's different, though, I promise.  I hate going after work because everyone is cranky (including me) and the after school shift is there (the young 'uns without a clue) and then the people who can't read (but you secretly know they can, they just choose not to).  

Today was a perfect example of that last one.  This woman had a WHOLE cart full of stuff.  Not just big stuff that took up the whole cart, but little stuff crammed in nooks and crannies that I didn't know existed in the shopping cart.  And she was in the self check out lane.  Where the sign reads '1-15 items only, Please'.  I was tempted to move the sign by her buggy, but Chris wouldn't let me.  

The grocery store was packed, lines were so long, and the after school kids were just moseying along without a care in the world.  I wanted to smack them with my Audiology book.  At least they'd be able to hear the commotion that was about to happen once they came to :)

This is why I send my wonderful, loving, awesome hubby to the grocery store on his days off.  He knows that it's better for the general public that they be spared my temper tantrums after work.


jennifer rogers said...

what??? clare throwing a temper tantrum? unheard of.

ed said...

"Price check on prune juice Bob...price check on prune juice."

NWA Beaty's said...

You need lots of B-12...and fast.

the Pulleys said...

Ditto! Those are the times I prefer to send Patrick as well!