Monday, June 17, 2013

Letter to Baby


Hi baby!  You are 10 months old now!  And you're still only growing hair down the middle of your head :)  I love feeling that fuzzy hair of yours!

You are becoming quite the stubborn little stinkpot if you catch my drift.  If it's not going you're way, you will let us know about it.  Luke is definitely the calm, easy going kid and you are the stubborn my way or the highway kid.  Phew!  You take it out of us some days, kiddo!  Relax, baby :)  One of your new favorite things is to throw yourself backwards and cry at the top of your lungs.  Not a fun trait. 

One of the things we do love is how absolutely stinking adorable you are when you're in a good mood and playing.  We love to hear you laugh and Luke cracks you up.  You love to watch him climb the stairs at school as fast as he can, and you crack up when he reaches the top and declares he's the winner.  He loves to kiss you and blow raspberries on your belly.  And if you're crying, that sometimes makes you laugh. 

We went on vacation a couple weeks ago and you hated the beach.  Screamed when we put sunscreen on you.  Screamed when your feet touched the sand.  Screamed at the sound of the waves.  Screamed louder when we tried to put your toes in the ocean.  Screamed in the car if I wasn't sitting in the backseat entertaining you.  There were good times, don't get me wrong, but you just weren't a fan of the sun, sand and surf.  Or the car. 

You are eating table food now and you love it.  If you can gum/chew it, you're eating it.  There's not a whole lot right now you don't like.  I'm still feeding you some baby food every now and then, but I still want you to nurse for a little while longer, too.  We are starting to wean you and you don't seem to mind.  You're still waking up once or twice at night to nurse still so that's okay.  Otherwise we are giving you whole milk mixed with mommy's milk in a bottle during the day.  You seem to be adjusting well and we just introduced a sippy cup and juice.  You are just growing up!

You still aren't crawling, and frankly have no interest in doing so.  You love to walk and want us to hold your hands and walk you everywhere.  It's funny that you love to walk so much with us, but you won't walk behind a toy or along the couch.  You're stationary when it comes to that.  We'll get there one of these days, though. 

We love you little one, temper and all.
Mom and Dad

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