Sunday, June 5, 2011

Letter to Baby

Dear Monkey,

Yes, that's right, I called you a monkey.  Basically because you have learned to climb and jump, and do so at every opportunity.  I'm fairly positive my heart will give out at any moment.  You love to get up on the couch (still with some assistance - whether we help or you push a toy over to climb on) and run from side to side and jump up and down.  I know we shouldn't let you, because I think that's what parents do, but it looks like fun, and as long as we're around to catch you, I really don't mind.

Now that you're 16 months old, you're really getting a little attitude.  You definitely are strong-willed and let us know when you're not getting your way.  The good thing is that you're easily distracted and quickly forget about whatever made you upset in the first place.

I think you've had a few growth spurts.  All of a sudden you can see what's on top of the tables and don't mind helping yourself to whatever you see.  We've had to set a few boundaries, but there are still occasions you get into things that definitely have no business being in your possession.  For example, one morning I was making the bed and noticed my glasses were missing.  When I tracked you down, you were carefully examining them and when you realized I was standing over you, you quickly gave them back.  And for another example?  When I was finishing getting my hair dried one morning, you helped yourself to your daddy's end table and got a hold of his nose spray.  When I realized you were being awfully quiet, I came into the living room to find you squirting the nose spray onto the carpet.  You had unscrewed the top and were quite pleased with yourself, and threw a pretty good fit when I took it back.

We have been to our neighborhood pool a few times, and you really like splashing in the water and watching the bigger kids run around.  If they'd let you, I'm sure you'd jump right in the fun and games.  You are such a cute little guy in your pirate swim trunks and rash guard.  You will not wear the bucket hat we have for you, so all the sunscreen from that bald head runs down in your eyes, which irritates you and so we never stay at the pool for long.  I'm sure by the end of the summer, you'll be quite the little water baby.

You're still saying your usual words, and I don't really think we've added anything extra to your expressive vocabulary this month, but your receptive vocabulary sure is expanding!  You follow directions (i.e. 'put that in the trash' , 'get your sippy cup' , 'find your passy').  Your nonverbal skills are really getting stronger, too!  You know just how to get us to get/do/find anything you need/want.  It's actually pretty impressive.

We love you and love watching you grow.  You're so fun, and such a little flirt!
Can't wait to see what happens next.
Love always,
Mom and Dad

1 comment:

Grandpa and Grandma B said...

This made us laugh. So much fun and a whole lot more is coming... Enjoy our special little Luke and give him lots of hugs from us. Love you, Luke! Memories!!! Wow!