Monday, February 14, 2011

Letter to Husband

I'm sitting here thinking about how I haven't gotten a single gift or card for my husband for the second Valentine's Day in a row.  Last year, my excuse was that I was exhausted from having a baby surgically removed a month early and was trying to keep him fed and alive while maintaining some sort of sanity.  This year, though, my only excuse is the snow.  That's right.  I'm blaming it on mother nature.

But in light of my excuses, I want you to know how much I truly cherish our friendship, our companionship, our love for one another.  When everything else seems to be falling apart at the seams (like the other day when we literally ripped luke's curtains apart), I know that you always have my back, and I'll always have yours.  I know that when I need you to step in and rock luke to sleep (like you're doing right now), you'll do it.  I love how you help in every house hold chore known to man.  You cook, you give luke baths, you clean the tubs, the dishes, and walk the dog.  And you seem to always do it with a smile.

I love our date nights and how the topic always turns to Luke.  I love that you let me pick out the yogurt at yogurt mountain and let me put what toppings i like on it and that you leave them for me.  I love how you pick the tomatoes off my salad after i specifically asked the waiter to leave them off.  I love how you listen to me rant and rave and have a good cry, especially when you've got things on your mind, too.
But mostly, I love you.  Even if you do end your sentences in 'at'.

our first wedding anniversary, chicago

 celebrating upcoming graduation with AOC

 visiting Duke University with the grand tour provided by Bauer

 anniversary photo shoot, compliments of Beaty Photography

conference.  Denver, Colorado

U of A after Evan and Erin's wedding

Pappadeaux's...with Arthur in the background

Big Cedar Lodge approximately one month before we found out we were preggo

impromptu photo shoot, again, compliments of Beaty Photography

Red Rock Amphitheater, outside Denver, Colorado

And then we had a baby:
It's a boy!

On the ferry heading to Galveston, TX

Luke's 1st halloween at the pumpkin patch

Home with Luke, newborn photos

6 months old.  

I can't believe we've come this far.  7 years of marriage, 5 moves, 1 baby.  I love you.

Happy Valentines Day

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

12 months

12 months old
20 pounds
28 inches long

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Letter to Baby

To our one year old son,

How have we gotten to this milestone so fast?  You know, moms say that their children grow too fast, and I was always the one saying 'that's because their kids, that's what they do, they grow'.  But now, I see it in a whole new light.  I see what those moms meant.  I feel what they've felt.  And I want to scream from the rooftops, just like they wanted to, to STOP GROWING NOW.  But, alas, I can't.  Because you're a kid, and well, kids grow.

We've made it this entire year without much sickness.  Maybe a cough or two for a couple days, but nothing traumatic.  And then all top 4 teeth came in at the exact.same.time.  And that didn't bode well for your system.  So we spent about a week and a half forcing fluids in you, giving you tylenol and rubbing ambesol on your gums to help ease the pain.  And because we couldn't get you in with your doctor, we called your Uncle Jon and Aunt Kricia.  Do you know how lucky you are to have them as your Aunt and Uncle?  They love you and guided us on how to keep you hydrated and well.  They called and checked on you, and they even made a couple house visits.  You're pretty special to have that kind of attention!

You have been cracking us up lately with this new voice of yours.  When you don't get your way, you start growling at us, and sometimes, in that growl voice, you say 'mama' like you're coming after me!  It's really quite endearing :).  You also love to 'talk', especially when there's silence, like saying the prayer in church.  Or when you can hear your echo like in the bathtub.  Or just for fun while daddy pushes you around the block or the grocery store.  And when you know you're doing something you're not supposed to be doing, you start to do it, and turn and smile real big and laugh.  Then it's up in the air if you're going to do what you're not supposed to or not.

You recently started throwing fits.  I mean you scream, kick your feet and shake your head fits.  This has gotten worse when it's time to lay you down for a nap or for bed for the night.  We had a couple nights where you just flat out refused to fall asleep and it took several attempts to get you to bed peacefully.  That got old for your mom and dad real quick, so we continued your normal bedtime routine of a bottle, blanket and book (or 3), we snuggle for a few minutes, kiss you goodnight, lay you down, and close your door.  The first few times were difficult, you cried and screamed the first time for a good solid hour (and it was at 2:30 in the morning), but now, you might fuss for a minute, and then you're sound asleep.  It's pretty wonderful, and I hope we can keep this new bedtime routine going.

You love holding on to our fingers and walking around the house.  You walk on your tip toes, so sometimes we call you 'lukeatina'.  I promise we'll stop as soon as you get off those tip toes and put your heels down.  You still crawl everywhere and if it was possible, you've gotten faster!  And you're getting a little braver and have started letting go of whatever you've pulled yourself up on.  It only lasts a couple of seconds before you get distracted and fall down, though.

You have also learned how to make a complete and utter mess in a matter of seconds.  And by seconds, I mean milliseconds.  You can have every book on your bookcase on your floor in 3 seconds flat.  It's actually quite impressive, but whatever keeps you entertained while I'm getting dressed in the morning is fine by me.

One goal we have had is to get you drinking out of a sippy cup before your first birthday and I have to say after going through a ton of sippy cups, your Mrs. Kristen found one you actually will drink out of.  At first you would only drink if we held it for you because you refused to touch it, but you did hold it all by yourself yesterday, so I hope you're getting the hang of it!  You're also branching out of what you're willing to eat.  Chicken, sweet potatoes (of course) and peas are some of your favorites.  Oatmeal, hot dogs, and peaches are also on your list of must haves.

We had a good run of you sleeping through the nights a few months ago, but for the past month or so, you've gotten up in the middle of the night long enough to take a bottle and be snuggled for a few minutes (or longer) before going back to bed.  It's getting old, so if you could start sleeping through the nights again, we'd appreciate it...and so would our mental health!

And can you say 'flirt'?  If 'mama' wasn't your first word, 'flirt' would have been.  You're such a ham!  And oh my how you love black girls.  And they love your little bald head (which, by the way, is getting some hair!) and you can't help but turn on the charm.  And apparently you're quite the chick magnet when you and your daddy go to the grocery store.  I know daddy will be in good hands if ever I'm not around :).

The expressions you make with your face are hilarious!  It's amazing how you work your eyebrows and eyes and mouth all at the same time.  You make some of the most awesome faces and we really love to see what face comes next.  I wish I could just have a book of all those faces, it would be huge!

We just couldn't make you any more perfect!  We are absolutely in love with you, our sweet little mister.

Happy Birthday.
Mom and Dad.