Friday, January 7, 2011

Christmas. In Pictures.

Christmas Eve.  We always have Christmas Eve with my side of the family.  It's always so much fun, and with a baby, it was even more crazy than usual!  Almost all of family was there (except for 2 cousins and their husbands) which meant about 28 people crammed into my parents living room.  Last year we had Christmas Eve dinner catered by Porterhouse (in Hot Springs) and it was so good, we did it again this year.  It takes a lot of the stress out of Christmas Eve so we can just enjoy each other!

(we had a wardrobe change into Luke's Christmas pajamas)

Christmas morning.  We came home Christmas Eve and celebrated Christmas morning alone as a family.  Luke could have cared less about opening gifts.  He was more interested in eating pancakes and his bottle.  I think he was just still so tired from the party the previous night.

After we opened gifts and had breakfast at home, we packed up and headed to NWA to celebrate with Chris' side of the family.  We got up there around noon and as soon as we came out on the north side of the 540 tunnel, we were greeted with snow flurries.  We had a wonderful time visiting, but were so tired by Sunday!

Luke's shirt says 'Arrrr we there yet?' :)

Poor Baxter was plum tuckered out, too!

Luke's first Christmas could not have been more exciting for us!  Like I said, Luke really liked the eating part of Christmas, but was not at all into opening gifts, he did however, enjoy crawling on top of them :).  I'm so glad we could spend Christmas with both sides of our family, but man oh man were we tired!  We've gotten all of the Christmas down and have organized Luke's toys as they were taking over the entire living room.  We really are so blessed to have such a sweet little boy and amazing family!

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