Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Being a Toddler

Oh goodness, I think Luke has officially realized that he's two and therefore the terrible two's are among us.  Here are a few examples:

Example 1:
Me: Luke, it's time for lunch, why don't you come sit down in your big boy chair and eat.

Luke:  throws his hands to his side, rolls his eyes and yells 'no!' in the most defiant two year old voice ever.

Me:  Fine, you'll eat when you're hungry - it's not worth the fight.

Example 2:
Me:  Luke, Owen is sleeping, we need to try to be quiet and let him rest.

Luke:  throws his hands to his side, rolls his eyes and yells 'no!' in the most defiant two year old voice ever.

Me:  That's fine, I'll put the iPad in time out.  (he responds to the iPad being in time out.  he could care less if HE is put in time out)

Example 3:
Me:  Luke, it's time for bed, let's go to your room and read our books and then I'll rub your back and we can sing a few songs.

Luke:  throws his hands to his side, rolls his eyes, yells 'no!' in the most defiant two year old voice ever and flings himself on the floor.

I think this helps really drive the point home so that I know that in no uncertain terms is he going to go to bed willingly.

I hear there's a possibility that this could last into the three's.  Pray for me.

1 comment:

jennifer rogers said...

uh....hate to break it to you but threes are way worse!