Saturday, September 1, 2012

Letter to Baby

Dear Owen,

Well, you're 4 weeks old now! I cannot believe how fast the time is going. I just want the time to slow down - I love holding you and you fit so perfectly in my arms. I know that when you're able, you'll be too busy to let me hold you like that.

I like to call you my little piggy - you love to eat! I'm hoping that in the next month or two we can start getting a little bit longer period of sleep at night, but as it is right now, you eat every 2 to 3 hours. And sometimes you like to snack in between that. With all this eating, you sure are growing and having longer periods of being awake. That's all fine and grand, but if I could just get you, your brother, and me to go down for a nap all at the same time, then I think I could do just about anything. But for now, as soon as you two are down, and I finally get to lay down, one of you wakes up. It's not very nice. 

You are not afraid to use your voice and declare that you're wet, hungry or just generally unhappy about something. You have the absolute most pitiful cry and if you're not tended to right away, that pitiful cry turns into something that sounds like you're being beaten. I'm sure the neighbors wander what exactly we're doing to you. I wander how this will progress when you start talking.

Your big brother absolutely adores you and is constantly coming over and giving you kisses, touching your hands or feet, rubbing your hair or saying 'Check on Owen?' I hope you two become the best of friends.

You've already had a trip to mommy's office where all of my patients were so excited to see you. You were really great, but you did blow out a diaper...twice. Once on Pa. You were wonderful in the car and so I hope you're a good car rider like your brother - that will make my life so much easier!!

Little one, I just can't believe you're 4 weeks old. Can't wait to see what the next month brings - just slow it down a little, okay? Okay.

 Love you so much.
 Mom and Dad

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