Friday, June 11, 2010

fugetaboutit friday

I've been a slacker lately.  It's okay...I'm waving the white flag and admitting it.

These past few weeks have been crazy!  We celebrated our awesome friends' 30th birthday party a few friday's ago, we went to branson, mo last friday for a family vacation, and now, here we's friday.  again.

Last night was the night from hell.  Chris had a fever, Luke had shots at his 4 month checkup and was up all.night.long (which subsequently meant i was up all.night.long).  Hopefully today goes quickly and we welcome the weekend rooting for and against arkansas at dickey-stephens park (aka travelers stadium).  You see, the Arkansas Travelers are playing against the Arkansas Naturals.  Make sense now?  Good, it's 6 a.m. and i'm not sure how much of this coherent at this point.

I'm gonna fugetabout the awful night we had and head into this weekend with a great attitude that i hope is rejuvenated with a few extra hours of sleep now and then.  No plans this weekend, except for the game with AOC tonight, and I hope to keep it that way.  I just want to see where the wind blows us.

fugetaboutit friday.  sounds good to me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

enjoy the wind ;)

hope you get some rest!!