Friday, April 9, 2010

fugetaboutit friday

I'm fairly positive I completely forgot about fugetaboutit friday last week, but i'm blaming my forgetfulness on 2 things.  One is that my child sucked all my brain cells out of me upon birth (seriously, I can't remember anything.  It's amazing I'm even walking upright).  And two is that last weekend was Easter, and I was preparing Luke's Easter festivities and couldn't be bothered with blogging.

But on this fugetaboutit friday, I vow to fugetabout drugging my dear son with Infant Tylenol yesterday just to have an hour without constant screaming crying.  I vow to fugetabout the selfishness that can consume people.  It's a long story and not worth telling, but let's just say this person has been selfish for years and I've seen the effect on family.  I am looking forward to this weekend, enjoying the beautiful weather and family.  I'm sure there will be lots of laughs and I'm looking forward to it.

It's friday....fugetaboutit.

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