Monday, August 24, 2009

Life in the Real World

Dear Life:
Life in the Real World sucks. Totally sucks. I'm so frustrated it's hard to put into words. When life doesn't continue the way one had known it for so long, it's hard to justify the changes you've put into place to help alleviate the burden that was once there. I know this is going to be a complete post rambling on about something very specific without being able to come right out and say it, so I'm going to make it as general as possible.

Change is hard. It's difficult, frustrating and overwhelming. Trust me, I know. It's hard when your friends change, it's hard when your church changes pastors, it's hard when you have to start getting regular checkups because you're getting older. Whatever the change, it's not always easy...but we try to adapt and do the best we can to overcome our feelings about the change that has taken place. It's hard on both ends. It's hard on you and the new pastor/friend/doctor because there's a learning curve that has to take place. You have to develop a comradery with the other party. But this can't happen if the other party is UNWILLING TO PARTICIPATE!

So you go on, trying to do the best you can, hoping that what you're doing justifies the change. But sometimes, all the other person sees is twiddling of thumbs, running on ice, whatever you want to call it. But that person never comes to you to find out how it's going, or to help the comradery develop because the change they decided on was a tough decision and now they aren't so sure it was the right one. And you're back to square one, treading on thin ice until the next comment is made or stone is thrown.

Having a hard day.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

3 month appointment

We had our 3 month appointment on Wednesday and everything went great! We got to listen to Gummy's heartbeat again, and it was so strong! After our doctor let us listen to the heartbeat, she asked if we had any questions for her, and even though I had a list of questions in my head, they all went away because I was so overwhelmed listening to the heartbeat. :)

I did find out I was A- blood type, which means I'll have to have a shot at 28 weeks if Chris isn't a negative blood type. Basically the shot protects the baby because my body can start building antibodies against the baby and reject it if I don't get the shot. So Chris has to have his blood type tested and we'll go from there.

I also LOST 2 pounds! I thought in pregnancy it was supposed to go the other way! I really haven't been able to eat a normal portion of food because I've been so dang nauseous, but it looks like I'm going to have to start eating more times during the day then just breakfast, lunch and dinner. I'm sure things will turn around and I'll start gaining instead of losing!

Other than that, everything has been going smoothly! Chris and I bought the baby it's first stuffed animal; a sock monkey! :) I've been reading baby books galore and doing some 'browsing' online and picking out appropriate nursery themes if it's a boy or girl. I know our parents are super thrilled about having a new grandbaby in the family and we are excited to have our first child!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Our Little Gummy Bear

Here's just a couple images of our little one! We had our first ultrasound at 9 weeks 1 day, and found out our new due date is March 4, 2010. We got to hear the heartbeat and found out the baby was just under an inch long!
During the ultrasound, the technician made a comment that sometimes babies look like little gummy bears at certain views, and this baby definitely looks like a little gummy bear from this view, so we now call the baby 'Gummy'.
We should find out in October if it's a boy/girl and can't wait!